Wolfsburg announced the appointment of Michael Frontzeck as acting coach on Monday. Beer city wolf Just announced their split from Mark van Bommel on Sunday. After the team has a poor performance, not winning through the last 8 games on the field. Which is divided into 3 draws, 5 losses and 15 goals.
But on Monday, the club’s board said it had agreed to appoint Michael Frontzeck as acting until the team could find a new manager.
Vincent Heilmann continues to serve at the club, unlike Kevin Hoffland and Alex Abrecht. Who split from the club following the sacking of Van Bommel.
Wolfsburg are struggling in the Bundesliga with 13 points from 15 games and are contemplating sacking current manager Valarien Ismael.
Wagner has worked wonders since joining Huddersfield last season and the former Borussia Dortmund II manager has taken the Terriers from the bottom half of the Championship to fourth in the table.
“Die Idee, einen erfahreneren Coach dazu zunehmen, fand ich spannend”, hatte er die Konstellation im kicker-Interview im September gelobt – und zugleich ausgeschlossen, dass er im Falle des sportlichen Misserfolgs schnell auf den Cheftrainer-Posten rückt (“Hier verliert keiner die Nerven”). Nun kam es doch anders.
An der Seite Frontzecks bleibt Co-Trainer Vincent Heilmann, der ebenfalls zu van Bommels Trainerteam gehört hatte. Auch von Torwarttrainer Pascal Formann, Videoanalyst Martin Raschik und den Reha- und Athletiktrainern wird er unterstützt. Kevin Hofland (Co-Trainer) und Alex Abresch (Videoanalyst) wurden nach Klubangaben hingegen freigestellt